Talk To A Mental Health Professional To Identify Your Reasons For Being A Workaholic

While there are plenty of benefits of working hard, doing so to the extreme can also take a toll on your mental health, physical health, and even your relationships with those in your life. If you honestly feel as though you're a workaholic, it can be beneficial to seek help from a mental health professional who will be able to talk to you about some of the reasons that you may be behaving in this manner, as well as introduce some healthy habits that you can adopt to lead more of a balanced lifestyle. Read More 

3 Tips To Treat Candida

Candida is a fungus or yeast that can be found in and on the body. While a small amount of this is normal, there can be issues when candida overgrowth occurs. If you have a weaker immune system or have a lot of sugars in your body, the candida can begin to multiply quickly. This can lease to many health concerns. It's important that you take control of candida so that you can stay healthy and happy. Read More 

Red Flags: Three Potential Relapse Situations

Getting off opioids is no easy task. Whether it's prescription painkillers or heroin, it takes a tremendous amount of courage for the addict to get to the point where they can admit their lives have become unmanageable. Sadly, many never reach that point. Thankfully, with a lot of hard work, the help of addiction treatment centers like Medical Assisted Wellness, and supportive medications like Suboxone, an addict can get on the road to recovery. Read More 

Loved One Starting To Show Signs Of Dementia? What You Can Do To Help

If someone you care about is starting to display some of the classic symptoms of early dementia, it can cause you to feel somewhat helpless. The individual might have trouble remembering things that they recently did and their personality could also begin to change. If your loved one hasn't received a diagnosis from a medical professional, they may either be unaware of the changes that you notice or be in denial about them. Read More 

How To Slow Down Bone Loss With Postmenopausal Fracture Treatments

Osteoporosis is a serious condition that affects post-menopausal and senior women. Postmenopausal osteoporosis occurs after menopause when there is a sharp drop in your estrogen levels. This results in bone loss inside of your trabecular and cortical bones. Osteoporosis can have a significant impact on your quality of life. You can get a fracture from picking up the newspaper or from lifting a light package. Read on to find out what postmenopausal fracture treatments to use to slow down the rate of bone loss. Read More