3 Ways To Work Out Your Brachial Plexus After An Injury

If you have injured your brachial plexus, the nerves that go from your neck down to your arm, you need to work on strengthening your brachial plexus. It is easy to work out your brachial plexus and you don't need any special equipment to do so. Here are three easy ways to stretch out your brachial plexus and strength it as well. If you are seriously injured, be sure to work with your doctor as well. Read More 

3 Reasons For Pain When Wearing Your Prosthetic Eye

While you may not experience any problems when you are first fitted with your prosthetic eye, over time, because of a number of different circumstances, you may develop pain. While mild pain often resolves without treatment, it is important that you visit the artificial eye clinic to determine the source of your pain and to receive the most appropriate treatment for your condition. Here are three reasons for pain while wearing your prosthetic eye, and what you can do about them: Read More 

3 Reasons Your Teen Should Continue Seeing A Pediatrician

Now that your child is getting older and has reached the teen years, you might think that it's time for him or her to start seeing a regular family doctor rather than a pediatrician. However, for many teens, seeing a pediatrician is a good thing. These are a few reasons why it might not be time to find another doctor for your child just yet. 1. Pediatricians are More Familiar with Teen Issues Read More 

3 Reasons To See A Dermatologist About Your Aging Skin

If your skin is beginning to show the signs of aging, such as if you have developed a few wrinkles and fine lines, you might not really think that there is much that you can do about it. After all, you might assume that it's just part of getting older. Even though it's true that it's normal for your skin to show signs of aging as you get older, this does not mean that there is nothing that you can do about it. Read More 

Several Myths About Undergoing Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy can be a highly effective solution for treating a variety of conditions. Yet, limited information and awareness about these treatments can cause individuals to fail to utilize these treatments. There are a few misconceptions that will be especially misleading to those that may benefit from undergoing stem cell therapy. Myth: Stem Cells Always Come From Abortion Clinics There is a common assumption that stem cells will only come from abortion clinics. Read More