4 Tips For Picking A Good Non-Profit Charity
If you are looking for a good non-profit charity to donate money to, it may be overwhelming to find one with which you feel comfortable. With so many different charities from which to choose, you need some help picking the perfect one for you. Check out these four tips that will help you on your path to finding an excellent non-profit charity.
Choose Where to Send Your Money
Before you start looking for a charity, identify your own personal goals. Of course, this means choosing a charity that is close to your heart, but there is a lot more to it than that. For starters, where do you want to send your money? Some charities are located within the United States and only help people within the United States, which may be your preference. On the other hand, some charities collect money for other countries, such as Kenya. If this is your preference, you'll also need to decide if you prefer that the Kenyan non-profit charity be located in the US or overseas.
Pick a Charity Type
You'll also want to determine which type of charity you want to support. This doesn't meant the cause the charity supports. It means more technical features. For example, you may want to help a large charity that helps people all over the country. On the other hand, you may prefer to choose a smaller charity that only assists people within your community. Another key factor is the age of the charity. Older charities are often trustworthy, but they are also the most well-known, so you may prefer a new charity that is lesser known.
Ask About the Charity's Goals
Just like you have goals, the charity should have goals too, such as raising a certain amount of money or building a hospital. A good charity will make these goals clear, but if they aren't easy to spot, make sure you ask. If they don't have goals or provide any relevant information, find a new charity. You should also ask how the goals are measured. Of course, when examining the goals, keep in mind how difficult they are. A charity may be doing a lot of work helping kids in Kenya, for example, but that doesn't mean they are making much progress because it is a difficult problem to solve. Don't let that dissuade you from choosing the charity.
Ensure They Are Legitimate
You'll also want to make sure the charity is legitimate. One of the best ways to do this is to simply ask the charity for their letter of determination, which helps prove the charity is legitimate. For religious-based charities, you may also want to ask for other documents, such as the official listing in the religion's directory. Some other signs that a charity is legitimate include: a mission statement, concrete facts, open to discussing finances and not using pressure tactics.
Try Online Resources
If you are completely lost for which charity to choose, use some online resources. There are many great websites that help you find legitimate charities to donate to. However, don't just let these online sites make the decision for you. You should always meet with the charity first. These online resources are a good starting point to find charities that support your interests so you can narrow your list down to a handful you can easily manage.
There are many people in need, so finding a charity that fits your needs can seem overwhelming. However, with these tips, you can find the perfect one for you. For more information, research online resources for non-profit charities to start building your list of potential donations.