Tips For Keeping Yourself Safe With Face Masks
Wearing face masks is one of the best strategies that people can adopt to help to protect others and themselves from COVID-19. Until the arrival of this disease, many people had little experience with wearing face masks, and this can make it harder for them to know what they should be looking for when they are considering potential face masks to buy.
Choose A Face Mask That Is Thick Enough To Offer Protection
A common mistake that is made when buying face masks will be choosing one that is too thin to be effective. Ideally, you will want the face mask to be thick enough that you are unable to blow out a candle or lighter while wearing it. For this reason, it may be advisable to opt for 3 ply face masks. These masks will generally be thick enough to provide protection while still enabling you to comfortably breathe while wearing it.
Consider Investing In Reusable Masks
Reusable face masks can be a convenient option that can minimize costs while also helping you avoid situations where you may run out of them. While reusable masks can be an extremely effective option, you will need to make sure that you are diligently cleaning the mask. Ideally, this mask should be washed each day so that you can minimize the risk of infection as much as possible.
Opt For Masks That Are Lighter In Color
The color of your mask may not seem important. However, black or other dark masks can absorb far more of the sun's heat. This can make them extremely uncomfortable to wear on sunny or hot days. By choosing either white or light blue masks, you can reflect much of this heat so that you can remain cool while still protecting yourself.
Ensure You Are Wearing The Mask Properly
A face mask will only be effective if you are wearing it properly. This means that the mask should fully cover your mouth and nose. Individuals will often pull the mask below their noses, but this can entirely negate the purpose of the mask. Often, this is done due to the mask causes glasses to fog, but it is possible to avoid this without needing to improperly wear the face mask. For example, you can wash the glasses with dish soap, and this should greatly reduce the amount of fogging that occurs on the lenses of your eyeglasses.