Tips For Getting Your Child Tested For COVID-19
By now, most people know that COVID-19 testing can look a bit uncomfortable. It can be difficult enough to get a child to sit down for any medical appointment, by trying to get a child to go through COVID-19 testing can be even more difficult.
So, what should you do to prepare your child? These tips will help you.
Hold Your Child
For small children, holding your child on your lap can be the most comforting option. Children may need some help sitting still, and getting on your lap can provide you with the opportunity to keep them still while also providing some comfort. You may be asked by the testing provider to hold your child's hands or arms to prevent them from fighting the test.
Talk About It
Before you even go to a testing center, it is a good idea to discuss what you might see. What kind of outfits should the children expect to see the testing administrators wearing? Gloves and masks could look a bit scary at first, and children can be reassured if you discuss expectations first.
One thing you might tell your child is that the test will not hurt, but it might tickle a little bit. They should expect to feel the tickle on both sides of the nostril, and in some cases, it can be a little bit uncomfortable.
Expect Some Tears
For very young children, crying is likely. This does not indicate your child is injured or ill. It's simply something that children do when they are surprised or upset. Often, this is simply a reaction to feeling unsure about the situation rather than the test itself.
Consider a Distraction
Your child may also be more amenable to a test if you bring a distraction. A favorite toy or video can bring a lot of comfort to a child who is not sure exactly what is happening. You might even work on singing a song or counting during the test so that your child has something else to focus on rather than the feeling of the swab.
Find Testing Today
COVID-19 testing is available for adults and children. If you want more information about testing, it is a good idea to consult with a professional. A pro can help you determine the best way to get your child through the test, showing you how quick and simple the process really can be.