See Your Family Doctor To Learn If An IUD Is The Right Choice For You
Whether you've recently become sexually active or you're older and are looking to change how you prevent pregnancy, you might be considering an intrauterine device or IUD. This device is a small device that is placed inside your uterus and will prevent pregnancy by preventing fertilization from occurring. Unlike some other forms of birth control, getting an IUD means that you'll need help from your family doctor, who will actually inject this device into your body. If you're trying to decide whether an IUD is the right choice for you, you can schedule a preliminary appointment with your family doctor for these reasons:
Evaluation Of The IUD Vs. Other Methods
You can expect that your family doctor will talk to you about the IUD and compare it with other forms of birth control. Each form of birth control has some pros and cons, and family doctors will always outline these points so that you feel informed to make a decision that is best for you. For example, the IUD is ideal because once it's in, it's doing its job; conversely, you have to have a small procedure to have it put in. Comparatively, condoms require you to ensure that your sexual partner is wearing one each time, but the effort involved in buying and wearing one is minimal.
Discussion Of The Procedure
Some women may feel a little nervous about getting an IUD because it's actually placed within the uterus. When you visit your family doctor for a discussion about this form of birth control, you can expect that he or she will talk to you about the procedure. Commonly, the doctor will even show you a sample IUD so that you understand its size, as well as meticulously explain how it's placed in your uterus, what you'll feel, and what side effects you might experience. Your doctor will also give you some literature to take with you to read.
Emphasis On Safe Sex Practices
Your family doctor will remind you that having an IUD in your body is effective at preventing pregnancy, but it doesn't mean that you're having safe sex when it comes to preventing sexually transmitted infections. Especially if you're newly sexually active, your family doctor will go through a variety of measures that you should take to avoid STIs, including having your partner wear a condom and even asking your sexual partners to be tested for infections.
For more information, contact your local family medical care center.